Make sure that your Line ID is not blocked because you have to register phone number for 2 more times, after using China number. (You’ll understand during the process). and read the tutorial twice before doing it!!!
Just for notice, China has blocked Line application in their countries, so no further stickers will come out. You should better hurry to download before all the stickers get wiped.
1. Borrow China number from friend and register to China number (1st time) as usual. But FB is blocked there, so you have to unlink your FB. just Agree with their terms (you have no choice).
2. After receiving the code from friend, go Set your Pin Code (it is a Mandatory: Go to Setting - Account - Pin and set your Pin code you have to remember all your life!!!)
3. Hurry go to the Sticker Shop and download the stickers (you have in general 5 min to log out, or you will be blocked with the number).
4. Once done, Clear data of your Line.
5. Now, Sign-in Line again by using your E-mail and they will ask your Pin Code…just type it. Now Quickly register your phone number (1st time) and link your Facebook back!!! (Mandatory).
- Here you get rid of the China number, but the PIN code still appear in the Setting - Account -
6. Clear data of your Line again, and redo Step 5 process. And once you come back to Setting - Account, the PIN box will be no longer here!
!!!Congratulations!!! You got China stickers and you are free to use your Line like usual: use other numbers or VPN too for other stickers
N.B: When you use China number, don't expect someone can can pull back your number, I already tried. It doesn't work. You have to follow thorougly the process as the tutorial explain. (Just follow step by step, and you will be fine 100% if you don't skip any part).
*All the thanks for Chat* for his great help!
*Pictures credits to Sticker555*
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